Title: Accounts Technicians
Category: Internship
Education Level: Certificate/Diploma
Application Deadline: May 12, 2023
Location: Dar es Salaam
Start Date: Jun 5, 2023
End Date: Dec 1, 2023
Duration: 25 Weeks
Allowance: Tsh 200,001 - 300,000
We are looking for enthusiastic Accounts Technician Interns to join our Accounts and Finance Department and provide creative ideas to help achieve our goals. The interns will have duties of implementing all daily financial procedures of the institution.
This internship will help you acquire accounting skills and provide you with knowledge of various financial procedures. Ultimately, you will gain broad experience in Accountancy and Finance and be prepared to enter any fast paced work environment.
An Applicant must have attained Ordinary Diploma in Accountancy or Banking and Finance from a reputable Government Recognised Institution, and other skills as follows: